Once I discovered how good I could feel through anal play, it was inevitable. Man B: Masturbation play led to me being curious about anal play around age 18. I was around 18 years old and had come across a pegging video, and after a few months, I decided to try and penetrate myself. How and when did you first get into pegging?
Man C: I currently have sex every two to three weeks. Man A: Committed to my girlfriend of three years. What is your current relationship status? In this week's Sex Talk Realness, spoke with three men about what it's like to love being pegged by women and our culture's assumption of what that means about them. Is it because people mistakenly assume that straight guys wouldn't be into being penetrated by their partner wearing a strap-on? Or perhaps because it's still relatively new to many people's menu of sex acts? Who knows. Despite pegging's recent surge in pop culture, in part thanks to Broad City, the act is still relatively taboo.